Hardscrabble 🍫

By Max Jacobson

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Sunrise commits

November 26, 2018

I’ve picked up the habit from some people I’ve worked with that whenever I create a new repository, I make an initial empty commit that has the commit message :sunrise: and no changes in it. I thought it might be helpful to jot down some context on why I do that, or at least why I think I do that.

Starting new repositories

When you initialize a new git repository, it doesn’t yet have any commits in it. Let’s say you create a new repository:

mkdir my-great-repository
cd my-great-repository
git init

And then ask git to tell you about it:

git status

It will print out:

On branch master

No commits yet

nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)

And if you ask git to tell you about the commits:

git log

It won’t be able to:

fatal: your current branch 'master' does not have any commits yet

Let’s try to make a commit and see what happens:

git commit --message "some commit"

It didn’t let us:

On branch master

Initial commit

nothing to commit

We tried to make a commit, but we hadn’t staged any changes to be included in the commit, and so git was like … no. Which is kind of fair, since ordinarily the point of making a commit is to introduce a change to the code base. But the first commit is kind of special: what does it even mean to make a change to nothing?

I encourage you not to spend too long pondering that question.

There are basically two ways out of this:

  1. Actually add some files and commit them
  2. Tell git that you don’t mind having an empty commit, and make an empty commit

The first way: having the first commit include some files

The first way is probably what most people do, since it’s pretty straight-forward:

echo "Hello" > README.md
git add README.md
git commit --message "some commit"

The last command will output:

[master (root-commit) e52641c] some commit

Notice the part that says (root-commit), which is how you know that it’s the first commit.

This is basically fine.

Running git log works how you might suspect: it shows that there’s one commit.

Running git show works just fine: it prints out the details of the latest commit, including the changes.

It gets a little more complicated if you want to use git diff. Let’s say you want to construct a git diff command which will display the changes you introduced in your first commit. What would that look like?

git diff ??? e52641c

Bizarrely, there is a way to do this, and it looks like this:

git diff 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 e52641c

What is that first sha? Basically don’t worry about it. It’s a constant in libgit2, although apparently it might change if git changes the algorithm it uses to generate hashes.

The second way: making a sunrise commit

The other thing that you could’ve done was make a sunrise commit:

git commit --allow-empty --message ":sunrise:"

What’s going on here?

This time, git lets us make a commit even though we haven’t staged any change, because we specifically passed the --allow-empty flag to the commit command.

The commit message is short and sweet and paints a picture that fills your heart with hope.

That’s it.

Some advantages to making a sunrise commit:

  1. You can make a new repository on GitHub and push your sunrise commit to your default branch, and then immediately check out a feature branch and start working on sketching out the initial project structure, and open a PR to introduce that.
  2. If you want to make a new branch that has a totally empty tree, you can checkout your sunrise commit and then branch off from there. There are other ways to do that but they melt my brain a little more.
  3. All of the meaningful commits in your repository will have a parent, making them easily diffed.
  4. You feel the simple pleasure of following the recommendation from a blog post.
  5. Probably some other reason that I’m forgetting (feel free to tell me).

A handy alias

If you find yourself following this pattern, you may want to add this handy alias:

git config --global alias.sunrise "commit --allow-empty --message ':sunrise:'"

That way, you can run simply git sunrise after you initialize a new repository.

Note: this will render as the sunrise emoji on GitHub. You can feel free to use the actual emoji. I don’t because emoji don’t render properly in terminal emulators on Linux, at least in my experience.

Shout out

I’m pretty sure I picked up this habit from Devon Blandin.

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