I keep learning new things as I slowly make this ruby gem. I had sent a copy to a friend and wondered if he would be able to unpack it and see the source code, and that led me to the command gem server
which starts up a local server so you can go to localhost:8808
in your browser and read about all of the gems installed on your machine, including the included documentation.
Now, writing some documentation has been on my to do list. I ain’t done that yet. In fact I hadn’t gotten around to adding it to my to do list. But I was delighted to see that my gem is listed along with all the others, and – magically – there’s some documentation there.
It pulls out all of your class methods presents them as a collapsed excerpt. In some instances it pulled out my comments. Those were functioning as notes-to-self but now I know to groom them for others to read by the time I’m close to sharing.
This is cool as shit.