Hardscrabble 🍫

By Max Jacobson

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gemfiles are ruby files

June 2, 2015

A while back I saw this cool blog post: Stay up to date with the latest github pages gem by Parker Moore, who maintains Jekyll. Jekyll is the static site tool that powers github pages, but github pages doesn’t necessarily use the latest version of Jekyll. If you’re deploying your website to github pages, you probably want to make sure your local Jekyll server behaves in the same way as the Jekyll that runs on github pages.

A Jekyll site is a Ruby project, and Ruby projects should have a Gemfile listing their dependencies. Jekyll is a gem, so you might think that you should add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll'

But actually, maybe not!

Consider this intsead:

gem 'github-pages'

This includes the exact version of Jekyll that github pages is using (and a few other things).

That’s great, because you know you can preview your website locally and know that it will look the same when you deploy it to GitHub pages.

You may be asking: what about when they upgrade the version of Jekyll they’re using to compile your site?? Well, they release a new version of the github-pages gem, which bumps its Jekyll dependency. So, ideally, before pushing to your Jekyll site on github pages, you should know that you’re using the latest version of the github pages gem.

Here’s how you can do that (so far I’m just summarizing that Parker Moore blog post):

require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
versions = JSON.parse(open('https://pages.github.com/versions.json').read)
gem 'github-pages', versions['github-pages']

Isn’t that cool? Now, when you start your local server with bundle exec jekyll serve, it will confirm that you have the appropriate version of github pages.

Happy ending? Sort of.

I did that a few months ago, and was happy for those months. Then, last weekend, I found myself somewhere without internet access and a blog post idea, but was sad to see that I was unable to run my local blog server because my Gemfile was unable to connect to the internet to confirm it had the latest dependencies.

When you’re without internet access, you can’t push changes to your blog anyway, so there’s not really any danger of seeing an offline preview of what the site looks like without confirming you have the latest versions of everything.

Now my Gemfile looks like this:

  require 'json'
  require 'open-uri'
  versions = JSON.parse(open('https://pages.github.com/versions.json').read)
  gem 'github-pages', versions['github-pages']
rescue SocketError
  gem 'github-pages'

Nice! When the network request fails, a SocketError is raised, so we’re able to rescue that error and fallback to any old version of the gem. This might still fail; it assumes that we’ve previously successfully installed a version of the gem to fall back to, and that version is cached locally by bundler.

It’s neat that we’re able to use whatever Ruby we want to in our Gemfile, but kind of non-obvious because it doesn’t end with .rb. Well, what if it was just called something else? Turns out you can rename your Gemfile to gems.rb, and your Gemfile.lock to gems.locked since Bundler 1.8.0, and this will be the new normal in Bundler 2.0.

Neat! Now my Gemfile looks like the above, but it’s now my gems.rb file.

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