Hardscrabble 🍫

By Max Jacobson

See also: the archives and an RSS feed


April 2, 2015

A few months ago I installed Google Analytics on hardscrabble, and a few weeks ago I installed Clicky, a competing service.

I felt a little skeezy, a little Not Punk, when I did that.

Aren’t I supposed to not care what people think and write from the heart?

Well, to be honest, I do. I check the stats sometimes. And I’m letting it affect what I do and write.

But hopefully in a good way!

For example: I learned, much to be my surprise, that this is consistently my most popular post. It’s not a mega hit or anything, but it gets a few visits every day. People want a good solution to that particular problem, and there aren’t that many solutions at all.

Unfortunately, my solution from January 2014 is pretty bad. I feel bad for those people. I want to help them. Maybe analytics can tell me who on this Earth I can help, and maybe that’s beautiful.

Anyway, I’m writing this on Editorial on my iPad (with a bluetooth keyboard; I’m not crazy), and I’m about to publish it using a MUCH IMPROVED, lighter-weight workflow. I want to battle-test it a little bit more before I share it. Maybe this won’t even

Note: I don't have comments or analytics on this website, so it's hard to tell if people are reading or enjoying it. Please feel free to share any feedback or thoughts by shooting me an email or tagging me in a post on Mastodon @maxjacobson@mastodon.online.