Hardscrabble 🍫

By Max Jacobson

See also: the archives and an RSS feed


June 9, 2013

I don’t know how you’re supposed to redirect from old sites to new ones but I did it with a simple Sinatra app. I disconnected the previous sinatra app from my domain and connected this and it kinda works!

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  redirect "http://maxjacobson.github.io"

get '/feed' do
  redirect "http://maxjacobson.github.io/atom.xml"

get '/~about' do
  redirect "http://maxjacobson.github.io/blog/about"

get '/~projects' do
  redirect "http://maxjacobson.github.io/blog/about"

get '/:anything' do
  redirect "http://maxjacobson.github.io"

edit November 2014: I open sourced the app and made a few small tweaks to reflect my current internet home.

Note: I don't have comments or analytics on this website, so it's hard to tell if people are reading or enjoying it. Please feel free to share any feedback or thoughts by shooting me an email or tagging me in a post on Mastodon @maxjacobson@mastodon.online.